Emily is the mama of this big, happy family, and I admire her so much. We met at a photography class and she has since proven to be one of the sweetest people I know. She is also a photographer and when another photographer asks you to take their family photos (not just once, but a second time), it's a little scary at first (am I going to do a good enough job?), but also a really good feeling. These are the easiest kids to get to smile, but the bubbles just made the smiles even bigger. It's such a pleasure knowing this family and Emily has been so wonderful and supportive of the business I've been trying to create. While I can give praise to Emily all day, her husband Craig is also amazing. They have created some insanely cute children and I look forward to seeing these kids continue to grow and see how their relationships with each other develop. Coming from a family of five kids myself, I have no idea how my parents did it, but I can't imagine growing up any other way.